What is Knudge?

Knudge is the task management and communication organization platform we use at SLP Wealth. As part of your onboarding process, we will help get you acclimated to this platform and how this powerful tool can help you stay on track for your goals!

Learn more about knudge here: https://knudge.com/for-clients/ 

Knudge will help us make sure nothing falls through the cracks with your planning and will send timely reminders leading up to the due dates for specific action items. By the time you read this, you’ll have received an invitation to register soon.

If you register you’ll be able to:

    • View your ongoing shared to-do-list.
    • Set preferences for when and how you’d like to receive communications. (Click on Notifications in the menu/under your name to set your preferences)
    • Access to a calendar view that shows when different tasks are due.
    • And see a record of all previously completed tasks.

If you don’t register you can still receive reminders.

Knudge will send the reminders via email and/or text message and you can engage with the individual action items as if you were logged in. You can view the details, mark it complete, specify another time to be reminded or silence additional reminders if you’d like.

If you have any questions about a specific task, you can simply reply to the email or use the in app messaging to respond. The nice thing about Knudge is all communications about an action item will stay associated with that action item in the messages tab so you don’t have to dig through old emails to see any back and forth we have about a task.