How do I create my RightCapital account?

1. Account Setup

You will receive an invitation within a week of your onboarding. That invitation will have a link to create your RightCapital account and a secure password. From there, jump to creating your profile.

2. Profile

Your profile gives your advisor the necessary information to generate retirement analyses, answer questions, and refine your plan. Be thorough—your advisor can only advise on what they know about. Add your financial information here. Stop anytime and pick it up later.

Linking accounts, listing goals, and filling out the rest of your profile are the building blocks for everything else, such as your financial dashboard. With this information, tradeoffs and proposals can be refined to find the best outcomes for you.

Once your profile is complete, you can enjoy a 40,000-foot view of your financial status, and access other important communication tools built within RightCapital.

Tip: The tiles in your profile represent the full data set with which your advisor will build your plan. Want to explore options? Create “blank” tiles to incorporate in your plan. Want to see what it would look like to have a 529 account for your kids? Add a 529 account and leave the fields empty. Then talk to your advisor along the lines of “please include a 529 in the plan.”

3. Dashboard and Financial Sections

The dashboard has all the key elements for a financial overview. Review your balance sheet, check in on your portfolio, or measure progress on your goals. For instance, take a look at your financial plan's probability of success.

Tip: Reflect on these tools to help cultivate questions for your advisor. For example: “What would happen if we shifted our investments to be more aggressive?” “Can we hold more of our assets in tax advantaged accounts? ”Becoming familiar with your overall financial picture will help you ask questions that may more quickly yield a successful roadmap for your financial future.

4. Vault

Use your Vault to securely share and store documents. Upload statements or photos of life insurance coverage to incorporate them in your plan in a safe manner. Just click on the “Folder” Icon in the top right-hand corner to access your Vault.

Your Vault contains a shared folder (between you and your advisor) and a private folder(only visible to you). You can save important personal documents to either folder for safe-keeping. Securely store items like photocopies of loan documents, insurance policies, birth certificates, etc. Think of it as your digital safe: any document you’d store in your home safe you can store in this Vault.

5. Tasks

RightCapital has a fantastic tool called Tasks to manage and collaborate on tasks. Just go to your Dashboard and then click on “Tasks”. During and after meetings with your advisor, create tasks to stay on the same page about making forward progress.

Next Steps

These are the keys to getting started. From there, share questions and collaborate with your advisor to develop a bright and healthy financial future.

If you need help, please reach out to