If I feel like I haven’t been fully utilizing my services, can I pause my subscription?

There is no way to pause with us. We are designed for a longer term financial relationship, so you are actually only able to cancel and rejoin once (and your discount would most likely not be honored when you join later on).

The reason it may seem different from a typical subscription is that traditionally financial planning isn't done in this fashion. Traditionally, you would work with a financial planner for a high per meeting rate, and as an RIA, there usually is a minimum net worth and/or asset requirement you would need to move over to be managed by the firm, which would then be charged anywhere from a 1-3% fee on said assets. Often you will see a $100,000 account minimum, which at a 1-3% annual fee, this would mean you would then be charged at minimum, anywhere from $1000-$3000 depending on the firm's rate.

At SLP Wealth, we went with a monthly fee model so as to be able to offer financial planning to those who can't afford these high meeting fees, and even higher AUM (assets under management) fees, as well as particularly to help those with high student loan balances grow wealth and utilize and advisor's expertise when they need it, while still paying down debt. 

If you are feeling disconnected and that you are not utilizing services right now, I would suggest talking to your advisor about investing with us. This is really where the value of SLP Wealth can prove itself. 

Here's a link to a basic run down for more information about why the investment strategies we use at SLP Wealth could help you grow more than you can do on your own, and potentially make you more than the cost of working with us.

If you would like to look at a more advanced breakdown of the strategies we utilize, you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bLLhzlrxZs

If you have any questions, reach out to support@slpwealth.com