Re-link an account to RightCapital

  1. Navigate to Profile > Net Worth > Link Account. Enter the already linked institution name in the search box.

  2. When you select the site, a screen will display informing you that you need to update an existing connection. Follow the update prompt(s) to relink.

  3. You will be taken to an informational screen that gives transparency about what data will be retrieved with your permission. Once you agree to share information, you can select continue.

  4. The page below will show you are securely being redirected to your financial institution's site.

  5. Once on the financial institution’s site, enter your credentials, select the accounts and agree to the financial institution’s terms.

  6. Once you have successfully relinked your account, you will be directed back to RightCapital, and the accounts selected on the institution’s site should displayed with the updated data.

If you need help, please reach out to